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Simple high-low style tandem rig with lures for squid.

These rigs are made with 20lb Seaguar Leader Material with two T-Knotted dropper loops that have been cut to a single 2" branch.  At the end of each  branch is a 20lb VMC Duolock clip.


The squid jigs are intended to be bouyant and provide a floating profile in the water.  The squid jigs are 3 3/4" including the pair of inverted needle umbrella style hooks.  The lure bodies are glow, amber, pink, green, and orange.  They are effective in the daytime and night.  They glow underwater in the dark.


A loopknot is provided at the bottom.  The angler can choose to use a sinker or another weighted squid jig.

Tandem Squid Jig Rig

Excluding Sales Tax
    • 20 lb Seaguar flourocarbon leader
    • 55 lb VMC Barrel Swivel
    • Two T-Knotted Dropper Loops - Cut to singles 
    • 20lb VMC clips at the end of each branch
    • (2) Squid Jigs - choice of five colors.
    • Loop at bottom for weight
    • ****Sinker NOT INCLUDED
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